

Frederik A Dean BChD PDD (Stell, SA) DipPDS (Bristol) MBA (Open University UK)                with Steffi & Gizmo

Frederik was born in Holland (of English/German parents). He has also lived in the UK and South Africa (where he qualified as a dentist in 1989 at the University of Stellenbosch).  He has obtained postgraduate diploma qualifications in children’s dentistry, orthodontics and sedation techniques (Stellenbosch and Bristol Universities) and an MBA (Master of business administration) from the Open University (UK).

In 2021 He completed the Australian Dental Sleep Institute’s Dental Sleep Medicine Program: “Oral appliance therapy for Snoring, Sleep apnoea and bruxism”. In 2022 he completed Invisalign’s “Invisalign Go Fundamentals Training Course”.

Together with his wife Marinda, and two daughters, he arrived in New Zealand from England. In January 2005 he took over the dental practice previously owned by John Lawrie. Frederik is passionate about helping patients understand that caries and gum problems are not inevitable. They can be prevented by following good home care habits in partnership with professional support and advice. It can be relatively easy (and need not be costly) to maintain a healthy mouth. Many smile solutions are also quick, painless and affordable.

Aside from dentistry, his interests include beekeeping,  gardening,  ham radio,  classic cars, travel and sailing (covid19 permitting !).  Frederik and his family  love living in New Zealand – go All Blacks


Hygiene & Therapy department

Silvia (Silvy) Salinas

Hola! Mi nombre es Silvia and I am an Oral Health Therapist at Feilding Dental Centre. I was born in Chile, raised in Auckland, and studied at the University of Otago from 2015 to 2018. I have always enjoyed working in a team environment and believe that using a whole-team approach is necessary for the provision of quality dental services. My ultimate goal is to motivate and empower patients to take control of their oral health and improve their quality of life. Outside of the clinic, you’ll find me training at F45 or socialising over delicious food and wine. 
EMS Airflow prophylaxis master
Feilding Dental Centre has invested in the  revolutionary EMS Prophylaxis Master Airflow machine. This “cleaning” machine represents cutting-edge technology that benefits our 
patients with a world-class oral hygiene experience – right here in Feilding !
The Airflow is a unique solution for gum disease prevention and health maintenance, by using specially formulated powders that remove stain and dental plaque. It offers a standard of cleanliness that could not previously have been achieved. It is a pain-free, non-invasive treatment that is recognised as one of (if not the) most efficient method of tooth cleaning and of combating tooth discolouration. This treatment is only available on referral by a dentist.
We are passionate about providing excellent clinical care, and empowering our patients to achieve optimum oral health. We could not do this without
TEAM = Together Each Achieves More !
Our team are delighted and honoured to have been previous recipients of the BEST               PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS and SUPREME WINNER by Feilding business awards.
We love what we do, and we appreciate the support of our patients and our community –      THANK YOU.