Mercy Ships, West Africa
Frederik, Marinda and support crew, Central America
Frederik at work

The team at Feilding Dental Centre appreciate the benefits of living in New Zealand. Many years ago Frederik undertook missionary dental work in Guatemala and treated orphans affected by the Chernobyl disaster, who visited the UK for holidays.

Such trips do mean time away from dental practice, which in a small practice such as ours’ can compromise routine patient care. Instead of now undertaking such trips the practice supports a number of charities that continue to provide medical/dental care for such communities; as well as other charities.

Charities we support each month  include:

Barnabas Fund
Manawatu Riding for the disabled
Mercy Ships international
Presbyterian support service
Radio Rhema
St John Feilding
Westpac Rescue helicopter
World Vision
Ronald MacDonald House Wellington

We appreciate the trust that patients place in us for providing their oral health care – their support in turn helps to benefit many others.