healthy smile

Welcome to the website of Feilding Dental Centre – where we are all about helping you towards a healthy smile. This site is designed to tell you a little about us and about our philosophy of oral healthcare. We hope you enjoy your visit. We do value your feedback – without it we are unable to improve our service. 

We also welcome new patients, so if you are satisfied with your treatment, please recommend us to your family and friends. Thank you.

Feilding Dental Centre

Dentists and Oral Hygiene department

112 Fergusson St, Feilding, New Zealand.

Tel (06) 323 4305 or email info@feildingdental.nz

We are open from 8.00 am to 5 pm Monday to Thursday and from 8.00 am to 2 pm Friday.

Proud past winners of The Feilding Excellence in Business:

“Supreme” and “Best Professional Business” awards



For the safety of our patients and team, Feilding Dental Centre is following all current (albeit constantly changing) Covid19 guidelines, as set out by the MoH and the DCNZ.

Additional precautions currently in place:
For patients:
  • screening for Covid symptoms and postponement of appointments if symptomatic or household contact of a positive case
For our team:
  • our surgeries are equipped with Hepa filters to minimise aerosol contamination
  • staff are not permitted to attend work if they have any Covid 19 symptoms and cannot return unless they have negative RAT test and are asymptomatic


Cold sores can affect some people more so than others. As a precaution for all concerned,  practice policy is not to treat patients who have active cold sores. Please re-schedule an appointment (to after recovery) if this may be an issue.  

The above protocols are necessary to help keep our team and our patients as safe as possible – whilst healthcare is being provided.

For your convenience we have 3 patient car parks at the back of the building. Please use those in the first instance if free. If possible, please make payment via Eftpos – we have paywave available.

If you have any questions, please contact us. These measures are for your and our safety – to ensure your dental appointment can be carried out in a timely and safe manner. We really appreciate the time you take to read through this advice.

Thank you for your understanding
The team at Feilding Dental Centre