At Feilding Dental Centre we understand that patients are concerned about paying for dental care. In order to make paying for dental care as easy as possible, we offer a variety of payment options including visa, mastercard, eftpos, and cash. We also accept Farmers card and Q-card (offering 3 months or 12 months interest-free payment options). See:

For extended treatments, patients spread payments over the course of treatment, thereby reducing the need for large lump sum payments. Other patients elect a lay-by option whereby they pay a sum each week towards future treatment.

We have recently introduced ONE VISIT CROWNS – these are an amazingly cost-effective alternative to large fillings or laboratory made crowns. All done in a single visit !

We also offer WINZ treatment. Patients only have to pay for their WINZ consultation on booking (this ensures patients attend the WINZ consultation). This payment then means that the WINZ allowance is actually more because the consultation has not been deducted from the WINZ allowance.

There is no such thing as a free lunch. “Interest-free” payment plans usually mean that fees elsewhere have to be increased. We strive to keep our fees fair and reasonable – we do not use loss leaders to entice new patients and then charge higher fees for follow up treatments. We strive to offer our patients excellent value for money dental care. 

Our practice is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm. We offer lunch-time appointments and the option of undertaking single or multiple treatments in one session. These arrangements enable most of our patients to be seen at a convenient time. On-site parking and ground floor access further enable patient access.