Independent and local

Feilding Dental Centre is a small, family-owned and family-focused dental practice. We strive to offer our patients personal service within an intimate atmosphere.

We are Feilding’s only independently owned and locally operated dental practice.

Foundational to preventive dental care is the concept of continuing care – patients seeing the same clinician at each visit, over many years.  A long-term relationship develops between the two and we become familiar with the disease profile (disease risk) and treatment needs of our patients.

We do not have hoardes of staff or operators. Our dentists are here every day from Monday to Friday. This means that patients are able to see us on a day that suits them, not the other way round. 

It has taken many years to gain the respect and trust of our patients. We are here for the long haul. The clinical team at Feilding Dental Centre value the relationships that have been built up over time. Feilding Dental Centre is a family operated business with a focus on caring for local families. We appreciate the support that the local community has given us over the years – we do not take for granted patient custom and loyalty.

Our primary aim at Feilding Dental Centre is to make a healthy mouth as affordable as possible for our patients. We advise patients of any essential treatment required to keep teeth and gums healthy and encourage good home oral  health care habits.

Whilst optional/cosmetic dental work can be offered, it is never forced upon patients. We fully understand that 99% of our patients have to budget very carefully for dental care – we in turn try hard to work around this with each of them.

Each month the practice donates a percentage of profits to various local charities. This is one way in which we try to acknowledge the support of the local community.